Costa Rica - July 18-24

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cate’s Photos from Days one and two

P1070140 P1070048 P1070082 P1070122

The first picture is of Slappy the turtle when we freed him to the coral reef.  The second is of a baby sloth snuggling with its stuffed animal while it’s sleeping.  The third is a monkey, the black spot.  It’s a howler monkey, the same kind that woke me and Katherine up this morning.  The last picture is of me in front of the Caribbean sea.  The ocean here is very clear and warm… very nice.

More pictures coming soon,



  1. Wonderful pics - keep em coming!

  2. I love the photo of the baby sloth. It's so cute. So happy that you are getting to do so many things.

  3. hi Cate,

    We have just seen your great pictures. Wish we were there with you to see the turtles coming out of the sand nests!

    Uncle Arthur and Aunt Maria


Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When July 18 - 24, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation