Costa Rica - July 18-24

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Outlook on the trip: what I learned

I learned a lot of things about myself this trip.  One of them that stands out is my new skill to wait things out.  Before this trip, I would be so scared to go on things like big rides and heights.  Sometime, I would almost back out, only to be pushed in by my friends and family, coming out loving it.  This week, I would have one small feeling in the bottom of my stomach, for things like zip lines, rappelling, and the bridge on the night walk, but I would not be feeling like I didn’t want to go on.  I was feeling like it would be the adventure of a lifetime, which it turned out it was.  I wasn’t about to turn around and go back, but zoom straight to it, eager for the experience. 



  1. Cate, most people take a lifetime to learn this. Thanks for bringing Katherine with you too!


Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When July 18 - 24, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation