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Monday, July 26, 2010Saturday, July 24, 2010Water Fall RappellingTHAT WAS THE MOST FUN I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!! I will bring my kids here in the future to let them have that much fun too! wow! it was awesome One thing I learnedOne thing I have learned about myself is i can do anything i want within reason. From my favorite bible verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 1:14 Favorite partThe best part was definitely the crystal clear morning when the volcano erupting. It was definitely a highlight. Colton MeI learned that I do not like snorkeling because the water was really salty and tasted bad. It also got in my eyes and burned them.
Alyssa the one thing I learned about myselfThe one thing I learned about is I am really scared of swaying bridges. The very last zip lining platform was one thing I overcame. I am really proud of myself. Thomas Elliott What I Learned About Myself While I Was In Costa Rica.
What I learned about MyselfI learned that I am lucky. After seeing Costa Rican houses and meeting people who weren’t as rich as me, I learned just how lucky I am to have a nice house and how lucky I am to be going on this trip. This was an awesome trip and I wish I could do it again. –cooper hess What did I learn about myself?When I was getting ready to travel to Costa Rica, I only expected to have fun and meet new people. But as this trip comes to an end, and as I look back on all of the adventures of the week, I have actually learned things about me that I didn’t know. I learned that I am able to be more responsible for myself and others. I made the decision today not to go rappelling because I had a fever this morning even though I was really looking forward to it. I also tried to include and comfort those who needed it throughout the trip. I also made sure that my roommate and I got up on time. This may not sound like a big feat or epiphany, but it is an important realization for me in the future. Katherine What I learned about MyselfI learned that I am lucky. After seeing Costa Rican houses and meeting people who weren’t as rich as me, I learned just how lucky I am to have a nice house and how lucky I am to be going on this trip. This was an awesome trip and I wish I could do it again. –cooper hess What i learned about myselfI learned that I can over come any of my fears of new stuff by just trying it and that the easiest way to over come a fear is to enjoy yourself while trying to overcome it. Noah Burnett What I have learned
During this trip I learned that If I put my mind to something, I can do it. When we were zip lining, I was a little nervous. i told myself I was safe, and I wasn’t scared. - Olivia Pieklo Outlook on the trip: what I learnedI learned a lot of things about myself this trip. One of them that stands out is my new skill to wait things out. Before this trip, I would be so scared to go on things like big rides and heights. Sometime, I would almost back out, only to be pushed in by my friends and family, coming out loving it. This week, I would have one small feeling in the bottom of my stomach, for things like zip lines, rappelling, and the bridge on the night walk, but I would not be feeling like I didn’t want to go on. I was feeling like it would be the adventure of a lifetime, which it turned out it was. I wasn’t about to turn around and go back, but zoom straight to it, eager for the experience. Cate SnorkelingI learned a lot of things about myself during this trip. But one thing that stands out is my newly found love for snorkeling. When my group went snorkeling, I thought it would be dull or boring at first but when we started to go out, I was really surprised. The coral reef was beautiful and the fish we so exotic and strange. It was amazing. That was one thing that stood out of what i learned about myself during this trip. Alexa LearningSomething I learned on the Costa Rica trip is that if I really want to I can conquer my fears. I can control it and have a fun time anyway. So I ended up having an awesome time at Costa Rica. Makena Zimmerman fear is not an optionI learned over all that fear is not an option. I faced my fear of heights and overcame it with rappelling and zip lining. I’m really glad i did cause i have a GREAT time!! I will tell people in the future to go on discovery trips!
What I learned about myself
Day Seven
I had a blast during rappelling i was absolutely soak at the end. It was my second favorite adventure. Thomas Elliott Thoughts on Costa RicaWhen I left for Costa Rica, I knew no one and I thought that making friends would be a hard task. Instead I found that making friends and fitting in was easier then I expected. A lot of people I met were very nice and I got along with the majority. Payton Becker RepellingToday we went to go repelling. At first i was very nervous but after going down the 160 ft. drop i had no fear. It was awesome. I have never had a bigger adrenaline rush! Everybody was soaked afterwards but I am positive everyone had a good time! Austin Roberts RepellingToday we went repelling and it was awesome! We got soaked because most of the walls were in waterfalls. Repelling is a lot of fun and painful. My Costa Rican AdventureThis adventure has truly been a once in a life time opportunity. It has truly brought out things about me that I didn’t even know about myself. One of the many things I learned about myself is that if I had the opportunity to go zip lining or water repelling with my family, I would have definitely have chickened out and said no way am I going to do that, but here, I was kind of forced, and that was that extra push I needed to realize things about my self. I also didn’t want to seem like a chicken in front of the other people, but here it really didn’t matter what other people thought because most of them felt the same way. This trip was a great success in motivating me to do things I would never have dreamed of doing. Austin J Costa Rica 2010This week I really learned to just face my “obstacles” in life head on. My problem coming into this week was mainly the canyoneering down the waterfalls. I really don’t like heights at ALL! The guide this week had to physically make me go over the water fall! Now I’m really glad I did because even if I didnt like it too much I still get to say “Oh yeah! I did it and did it well!”. I learned like the old saying says ” To face your fears head on”. I’m sure somewhere in college or in my careers down the line will truly help me. -Braden Smith Water Fall RappellingTHAT WAS THE MOST FUN I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!! I will bring my kids here in the future to let them have that much fun too! wow! it was awesome waterfall rappellingRappelling was so fun it was just like rock climbing except a lot better and you don't have to climb. we all got soaked because on some of the cliffs you had to go through a waterfall. -connor sapp RappellingToday, we rappelled. It was awesome, and we all got soaked. My shoes are still wet. Lunch was great, and I learned firsthand that Costa Rican hot sauce is HOT. (Thanks Colton). We are currently on the bus headed to a huge souvenir shop in San Jose. Then we head to the hotel, and tomorrow we leave. I love this place, but I’m ready to see my family again. Can’t wait for the store! It sounds really cool. -Kelly Henderson P.S.: “That’s the grass!” –Emily Taylor “We’re going off-road! We’re going off-road!!” –Austin Jenkins RepellingSo, today we got up and headed to one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful places. It was in the woods so it took us about ten minutes of hiking to get there. We put on all of our equipment and got ready to go. I was really nervous, but after seeing other people do it, I wasn’t anymore. When it was my turn, I got up on the ledge and went right on down. It was amazing! Austin J the truck ride back
what i learnedThe thing i learned the most was more responsibility in keeping up with all my luggage and stuff. So i did not lose it…it is hard! The Heights“Fear is the presence of the unknown. We as humans are curious so everything must be known. If it is known, then there is no fear.” This is my quote when I went on two extremely high courses, the high zip lines on Thursday and the straight down plunge into waterfalls when we repelled on Saturday. The zip lines I knew how to do at first, but the slight problem was it was about half a mile up. This is where I freaked out the most because I was speeding down a little line high above ground. In order to comfort myself, I sang songs, and boy did I have a blast.ar Next was repelling down waterfalls. It was not so bad, except on the 165’ one, which was first, I looked down on the bottom and nearly pee my pants. Then at the bottom, one of the kids was still freaking about the height I made up the top quote to help him. All of the next falls were fantastic. Everyone on both attractions were glad they did it. Looking back on this trip, there is a height that everyone wants to see. Friendship, adrenaline, joy, and courage were things I saw. We came from Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Ohio, and Maryland. Teachers, teens, tweens, and kids with all different ages came to one trip. I look back on this and only wonder one thing. Where will we go next year? ;c)
Siemper Fi -Brandon Magee The Last DayI can’t believe it’s the last day. We got to go repelling today, It was so cool. There were 5 lines, and 4 waterfalls, so four lines had either a waterfall directly beside it or directly on top of it. The other one, however, was just a rock and no water. Repelling was very fun. It is kind of like zip lining backwards to me. But today was awesome! -Renan Wow! Our trip almost gone!Well, it’s sad to say, but today is our last full day! Tomorrow is airport day, returning home day, and saying goodbye to friends day. :_( We’ve had a lot of fun this week. Here’s a recount of what we did. Sunday: Arrived in San Jose and had our welcome dinner, as well as meet new people. Monday: Visited the sloth rescue center, rode canoes in the rainforest, watched turtles swim into the ocean. Tuesday: Traveled in a canoe to the Bribri tribe. Made chocolate, swam in the river, and played soccer with the locals. Wednesday: Kayaked to the snorkeling area, snorkeled, and biked back. Took a night walk in the rainforest. Thursday: Planted trees at a families farm and went zip lining! One of the best parts of the trip! Friday: Milked cows, saw how to make cheese, walked through the rainforest, and went to the fabulous hot springs. Saturday (today): Took trucks to the rappelling area, where we rappelled down 5 different cliffs/waterfalls! This was one of the best parts of the trip. It’s hard to decide between zip lining and this. On our way back to San Jose, we’ll go shopping. I can’t believe the trip is already over! I’m going to miss all of my new friends sooo much!!!!! Boo hoo!!!!! Good bye for the last time on the blog (I’m pretty sure)! Cate Paterson RappellingToday we went to a place to rappel down waterfalls. Me and a few other girls didnt go for a couple of reasons. Instead we went into town and went shopping. One store had beautiful paintings and sculptures and other stuff. I just bought some souvenirs for my family. Yeah, so Costa Rican people are really nice here, its sad we have to go home tomorrow but the experience was great! WetToday we went down waterfalls and I got wet a lot.On one of the waterfalls my shoe almost fell of.I am not good at repelling down waterfalls..I think that the zip line was so much cooler then repelling down the waterfalls.
Love, Alyssa:) Last day of ActivitiesToday was fun. I didn’t go repelling so me and a few other people to La Fortuana. We walked around and shopped. There was a cute dog that followed us around all day. Then we met up with the others for lunch. We are now headed back to San Jose. Looking BackI really benefitted from this experience, because it has made me more open-minded to try new things. Also, seeing a poorer country made me realize how well Americans have it. Costa Ricans, even the poor citizens, actually seem generally happier than Americans, even though they have to work a lot harder to sustain themselves. I also got what I wanted in being somewhere different in every way from Ohio! The rainforests and animals are amazing. Costa Rica is a tropical paradise and I would highly recommend taking this trip! -Jack Hyman The ride to the zip lines with the “phobe”On the way to the zip lines you ride in little ski lift things. I had to get out of my original car because there must be an adult in every one. Then I was put with like 2 teachers and a girl afraid of heights, a girl with a phobia she can not remember the name of. To comfort herself she named every phobia she could think of. so i stepped in and started joking around with her to try and help. It seemed like it was working. The teachers yelled at me the entire time but she said it was helping. She ended up chickening out anyways but she at least tried the small hills. So i do give her some credit i guess.
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