The students from Amarillo, New Orleans, and DC had some words of advise...
DON'T leave home withOUT
Madison...dry-fit clothes
Alan...spending money & a way to call your mom to deposit MORE money!
Joe...more than one pair of shoes
Nathaniel...extra socks
Brenda...pants, NOT jeans, to wear through the rainforest
Desiree...pepto chewables detergent
Alex-the Driver...OLD shoes, they will get EXTRA muddy & EXTRA wet!
Danny-OUR AWESOME Travel Manager...your best dance moves, with your Idol voice (poonchi, poonchi, poonchi)
Ms. G **especially for the teachers... everything that your wonderful students will FORGET...
Alix (me)...a flashlight!
and the WHOLE GROUP says..."bring your appetite for BEANS & RICE!"
From our new found love, Costa Rica....Pura Vida!